Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Good vs. Bad Packaging

Lately, I've noticed so many changes in traditional packaging I've grown accustomed too. From Tropicana's new packaging to Snapple's new bottle design, I've seen many changes. Some good, some not so good, like said Tropicana's packaging. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Absolut Vodka- Not only are these bottles recognizable as Absolut vodka, but they able to change the image of the vodka without changing integrity of the bottle design. They often add creative packaging to the bottle to showcase a certain flavor vodka but you always know it is Absolut.

2. Snapple All Natural Tea- I think the new look for Snapple is even better, cleaner and more playful than the original. I like the color palette and the fact that they chose to keep it monochromatic, it makes the look clean.

3. True North - whenever I see this packaging in the store it always catches my eye. It is clean and crisp and yet fun and playful with its use of nuts to create patterns on the packaging which is different for each variation. While I haven't purchased them yet, they are always on my radar.

Here is some product packaging that I think is unsuccessful, it is all a matter of opinion of course.

1. Bath and Body Works- I really hate the new bottle design that Bath and Body Works has decided to use. Okay, hate is a strong word, but the new bottle displeases me. The old Bath and Body Works bottle was recognizable as a B&BW product, the new bottle is generic to me.

2. Pepsi Cola- I really don't like the new Pepsi packaging and logo. I think that it is almost futuristic, rather than being a logo that represents a classic brand. Although, it isn't Coca-Cola, Pepsi still holds its own as a classic beverage company and I think its packaging and logo make it seem like any generic brand.


  1. I agree with your Pepsi logo comments. I dislike that it lacks any sense of "depth". The flat 2-d vector graphics may be too clean and static for a product that bubbles and cools down the soul of a thirsty consumer.

  2. 1) Nice blog name
    2) Pepsi logo reminds me of an airline logo
    3) Thats it

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have to disagree with you on the Bath and body works packaging. I like the new. I get what you mean by how they loose the recognizable shape and labels. However, because their signature line is exclusively available at their store, there's really no competition in terms of trying to get your attention from the shelf. You walked into the store and you're engulf by wall to wall gradient of colors.

    -Tiffanie Pf. -

  5. The absolute packaging is always balanced and they use fresh ideas all the time...

  6. I agree with the Pepsi logo, however I like the refrigerator packaging like that. It makes it easy and convenient to store, and if people actually open it where it's supposed to be opened with the flap and not just ripping the box open, it dispenses sodas pretty well.
